01 March 2019

My Blog Is Better Than Facebook

I spend a fair amount of my free time online. That's for constructive purposes and for entertainment purposes, with the bulk of that time going to entertainment (a lot of my constructive online stuff is on autopilot, so I don't have to spend much time with it all). For years a lot of that time went into Facebook.

To rephrase: a lot of that time went into enriching a bunch of openly hypocritical libtard pricks.

If you're using social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc., you're pretty much working for free building something extremely valuable. You, me, and everyone else around the world pushed Facebook's revenue to around $56 BILLION (USD) last year.

Long story short: they basically take your demographic info, displayed interests (group affiliations, clicks on links, interactions with others, etc.) and market that information. Advertisers pay a pretty penny for it because it's considered to be highly filtered, precise information that can be used to make efficient, high return advertising spends.

How much of that cash flow did you see?

Right, none. Me neither. And another long story short, I'm done enriching those left wing lunatic, anti-west, anti-tradition, pro-degeneracy, and openly anti-white racists any longer.

Their site makes them money and costs me my time and my dignity. My blog makes me money in exchange for my time; why spend any of my time for the benefit of those assholes at Facebook? I've decided then that content I create online should be that which can fill my pocket instead. So, here I am, dusting this blog off (again).

If you are going to use Facebook, take my advice: create a fictitious persona with as little demographic info provided (and none if it based on you). The data they sell to advertisers becomes complete trash if people on their network are all operating behind anonymous avatars...

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